CrossFit Classes

Movement explanation/instruction

At the beginning of every class, the coach will review the whiteboard with the group to ensure everyone understands the workout of the day and feels comfortable with the movements involved.

What to expect

Mobility and warmup

Before starting any training, the coach will lead the class through a series of mobility movements to ensure everyone is warmed up and prepared to move at their full range of motion.

Workout of the day

Each daily workout will consist of a combination of strength training and conditioning. Every movement can be scaled to your individual comfort and capability level.

Memberships & class pack options

Unlimited Individual Membership

Access to an unlimited amount of CrossFit classes for one month.

Partial Individual Membership

10 CrossFit classes per month that you can use at your convenience. These will not roll over.

Unlimited Family Membership
$135/mo + $110/mo per person

Access to an unlimited amount of CrossFit classes for one month for multiple people living under the same roof.


Four 1:1 sessions with a coach to learn and get comforatble with the foundational movements of CrossFit before joining group classes.

Unlimited Student Membership

Access to an unlimited amount of CrossFit classes for one month for any student in middle school, high school, or college.


Visiting from out of town or not able to make it on a consistent basis? Drop-ins are always welcome!

Not sure where to begin?

Talk with one of our coaches to discuss your goals and figure out the best plan!